Reservations 2000

+44(0)20 8547 0601

Sustainability policy

Welcome to Reservations 2000 Ltd.’s Path to Sustainability!

At Reservations 2000 Ltd, we’re on a mission to make a positive impact on our planet, and we’re thrilled to have you join us on this journey! Our commitment to sustainability is not just a policy—it’s a promise to our planet, our clients, and our future. Let’s dive into our vibrant plan to achieve Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) certification and create a greener world together.

Our 8-Step Plan to SBTi Certification

  1. Make the Commitment
    We’re kicking things off by signing the SBTi commitment letter, formalising our pledge to set and achieve science-based targets. Check out the commitment letter here!
  2. Measure Our Footprint
    We’re diving deep to measure our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This includes everything from direct emissions (Scope 1) to the energy we buy (Scope 2) and even our broader impact (Scope 3), like travel and waste.
  3. Set Bold Targets
    We’re setting ambitious GHG reduction targets that align with the Paris Agreement’s goal to limit global warming to well below 2°C. These targets will meet the stringent criteria set by the SBTi.
  4. Validate Our Goals
    Our targets will be submitted to the SBTi for validation. They’ll review and give us the thumbs-up or constructive feedback to ensure our goals are spot on.
  5. Implement Change
    Time to put our plans into action! We’ll be switching to renewable energy, boosting energy efficiency, reducing travel, and engaging with suppliers to cut their emissions too.
  6. Track and Report
    We’re committed to transparency. We’ll regularly monitor our progress, report annually, and share our emissions and reduction activities with the world.
  7. Review and Refine
    Sustainability is an ongoing journey. We’ll review and update our targets to stay aligned with the latest climate science and continuously improve.
  8. Embed Sustainability.
    Sustainability will be woven into our business strategy, corporate culture, and every employee’s role. It’s all hands-on deck to drive this change!

RESERVATIONS 2000 Ltd.’s Five-Year Sustainability Vision

We’re not just talking the talk—we’re walking the walk with a comprehensive five-year plan designed to elevate our sustainability game!

Year 1: Building the Foundation

  • Commit to SBTi and Measure Emissions: Formalise our commitment and establish our GHG baseline.
  • Develop a Sustainable Strategy: Set science-based targets and enhance energy efficiency.

Year 2: Action and Optimisation

  • Reduce Emissions: Invest in renewable energy and carbon offsets.
  • Promote Sustainable Travel: Partner with green-certified providers and expand eco-friendly travel options.

Year 3: Monitoring and Expansion

  • Track Progress: Implement an environmental management system and report regularly.
  • Scale Efforts: Increase renewable energy usage and engage suppliers in sustainability.

Year 4: Innovate and Engage

  • Invest in Innovation: Explore new sustainability technologies and develop a customer-facing dashboard.
  • Community Engagement: Strengthen local partnerships and enhance employee involvement in sustainability.

Year 5: Achieve and Reflect

  • Reach Targets: Achieve our SBTi targets and conduct third-party verification.
  • Review and Plan Ahead: Evaluate achievements and set new long-term goals.

Celebrating Our Progress

We’re proud of the strides we’ve made so far:

  • Energy Efficiency: LED lighting and energy-efficient systems in all offices.
  • Green Travel: Supporting sustainable travel options and reducing waste.
  • Employee Engagement: Promoting remote work and sustainability training.

Our five-year plan will guide us to greater heights in sustainability, with clear milestones and a commitment to continuous improvement. Together, we’re not just reducing our carbon footprint—we’re paving the way for a more sustainable future.

Join Us on This Journey

We’re excited to have you on board as we embark on this transformative journey. Together, we’ll achieve our sustainability goals and make a real difference for our planet. Stay tuned for updates and join us in making sustainability a cornerstone of our success!

Let’s create a greener future, one step at a time.